EFEAT - English For Everybody At TIMES
EFEAT - English For Everybody At TIMES
EFEAT -English For Everybody At TIMES- is a rapid speech development programme conducted by the Department of English & Modern Languages for students of all courses at the auditorium from 8.30 am-12.30 pm on Friday. This progarmme ceremonially started, with the participation of students, Chief Operating Officer, academic staff and administrative staff of TIMES CAMPUS. This is designed to enhance English language speaking skills of all campus students.
EFEAT supports and develops English language skills of all campus students using a step-by-step process, encouraging students to explore and practice in their studies and day-to day life. Students get the opportunity to engage in various activities such as role play, debates, singing, storytelling, quizzes and many more.
In line with our change of delivery mode, we are now ready to deliver EFEAT online

No: 3/10, Church Street, Stanley Thilakaratne Mawatha, Nugegoda.
[email protected] | +94 76 286 7788 | 011 282 0092